Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Why I am no longer releasing geocoins

I got a little Gun-ho about collecting and sharing geocoins about a year ago. It was cool to see where they went and how far or haw fast they moved.

Then the started to disappear.

1 is totally gone but the nice person who had it at an event replaced it.
2 are now questionable- I even sent emails to the cache owners to see if they might check their caches. One owner was very nice and helpful but the other was very rude. The second owner could not be bothered to read the cache log back further than the main page entries so they accused me of placing the coin in another cache (I didn't place the coin in the first place). When I pointed out the entry of when the coin was dropped they responded with "we have no plans to visit this cache until summer so you will have to go check it yourself." WOW! The cache is in New York & I live in Montana.

Thanks for the help fellow cacher!

(please excuse the sarcasm)

I will not be placing coins in caches anymore. I plan to display them at events but no more will I waste my time, money & effort to send them out on a journey.


Saturday, March 8, 2008

I'm Stumped

Originally uploaded by ZhenPanda
I haven't re-installed my GPS software since I had to re-format my computer. Since the problems are still popping up I'm afraid to.

I just can't find the motivation to get out & cache.

I really miss it.