Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I wish my husband enjoyed geocaching as much as I do

It's so sad. I can hardly get him to do park & grabs!

Oh, well- His loss!

I'm going to do a cache machine!

And I'm going to have a ball!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I have a plan!

OK, I know that no matter how well I plan things happen. I will adapt, I will overcome. IF necessary.

My PLAN for this summer (since I will have to work most of it):
  • Waymark the places within my town from the National Register of Historic Places. (I work in the middle of one district so that will be my noon walk!)
  • Do more benchmarking within my town. (I have pretty much cached-out the immediate area)
  • Finish the waymarks from my trip to Helena- over 45! (That should take at least 2 weeks)
  • Attend the Lewis & Clark Festival/geocaching event on June 28, 2008.
So there's my plan.
Wish me luck!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Charles M. Russell

Charles M. Russell
Originally uploaded by ZhenPanda

So I found the last of the 3 "Famous people" buried in Great Falls. Woo Hoo!

They will be waymarked shortly!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

St. Helena's Cathedral

St. Helena's Cathedral
Originally uploaded by ZhenPanda

Benchmarked. Waymarked.

Wow- if I could only come up with a great geocache this would have been a home run!

Today was a full day of geocaching, benchmarking, waymarking & Photography! Son#1 had an appointment at Ft. Harrison so I drove him. We found 5 benchmarks & 2 geocaches. I must have found about 40 items to waymark.

It was a great day!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Whiney Pete had fun geocaching

Whiney Pete had fun geocaching
Originally uploaded by ZhenPanda

I'm slowly getting out more.

Today was just fun to let one of my nephews find the cache!